Sunday, September 9, 2018

Deutschland 83 Trailer Analysis

The director used a countdown timer to be one of his main clips to draw the audience in, when the countdown reached 0 the music dramatically changed and it cuts to what looks to be the main character running away. The director does this to create a action themed trailer because in movies like "Lethal Weapon 3"(a very famous action movie) on of the most popular scenes is a bomb timer. At around 00:38 seconds the director films 3 actors feet walking away from the camera and the camera is following them, this creates tension because the audience want to know there they are going. By using this camera angle it looks like the 3 actors are on their way to be doing something very important, this is used by the director to draw the audience in and make them eager to watch the series.
In the trailer the editors use a split screen effect (shown in one of the first scenes of the clip) which in turn creates a intense action themed display. The director so to excite the audience by turning a small piece of information (1983, Cold War) into an intense movie like scene. The director also added the split screen effect because big movies like "Mission Impossible" also use editing similar to it, so by using an effect like a well known action movie, makes the audience familiar with the style of film causing them to have the urge to watch it. The director also used harsh cuts in its clips to create a fast paced trailer which is full of many different small scenes that do not give away much information on the series itself but draw the audience in and make them want to find out what the small clips where.
The director has added intense music in the back ground including stringed instruments and symbols to create a suspenseful trailer, this links in with the action theme because of the harsh music that plays at the start of the trailer. Then (around 00:14 seconds) the music dramatically changes to a fast beat song with a strong bass line. The director did this purposefully to cause the audience to be caught of guard which then causes them to be intrigued into what happens next in the trailer. For the duration of the trailer the director has used a male voice speaking over the top of the music saying things like "The greatest evil is not done now" which infers an action packed series and makes the audience to want to watch it.
The director in the first scene looks to be the main character of the series in a army uniform and suggested by the title of the series it looks like a german solider. By using a army uniform it signifies lots of action and lots of drama within the series due to the stereotypical solider that fights in wars and kills people for a living. We then cut to a normal looking male character (the spy) in a t shirt and jeans which contrasts majorly to the army uniform causing slight confusion to the audience, this causes the audience to want more knowledge but the only way they can find out more is by watching the series. In one of the short clips the main character is wearing a hospital gown, this symbolises injury. The director did this purposefully to force the audience to wonder what caused said injury. 
The director of the trailer used dimly lit scenes to create a more realistic show, this is because by using a lighting arrangement such as dim lights if gives the effect of no studio. You wouldn't see bright lights shining on real people so they utilised that idea and implanted into the series to make it more realistic. The director also used night time on one of the clips due to the connotations of night time being a time where bad/sneaky things happen. In the particular night clip you see a man jumping from a roof/window onto the floor further proving the idea that night is for bad things to take place. Around 00:40 seconds the music says "sex and horror" and the 2 different clips appear with each word having a different scene, during the "sex" scene the lighting is bright and harsh implying that sex is nice and happy, contrasting to the horror where a man is running through a dimly lit corridor suggesting horror is dark and mysterious.
The director has implemented a few characters into this trailer all seeming drastically different to one another. The first character in the trailer is Jonas Nay who the audience work out to be the main character in the series due to him being in almost every clip. The director used Nay's blue eyes and blond hair to represent Germany when it was divided in 2. Nay is seen in one of the first clips when the screen is split into 2 and on one half is his character looking at some sort of computer screen with a head set on, presumably being a spy, and on the right side its him in a grocery store looking at some bananas like a normal citizen. The director has done this to show that not everyone you see is what they look like, creating a action feel to the whole trailer because of it being on of the first things the audience see. You also see Nay running in many of the short clips provided, this creates a tense feel and also shows that the character portrayed is doing something dangerous that casuses him to have to run from the consequences. The director also used Sonja Gerdhardt in the trailer as the main character lover. By using an attractive woman in the series it would attract males attention due to her looks. This is good because it means a wider audience would want to watch the series therefore gaining a bigger fanbase. Gerdhardt is presented in 4 of the clips and in 2 of said clips she is shown kissing Nay passionately, the director does this because sexual scenes are one of the most popular scenes in movies/series and by using them in your own work will attract more people to your show. It also provides a love story within the series and by doing so it appeals to a bigger audience, by having a love story more people will be catered for within the watching process.

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