Tuesday, November 20, 2018

News paper industry

  1. In the Executive Summary, looking at paragraphs 4 and 5 the overview identifies that: ‘today’s aggregate advertising expenditure and net circulation figures equate to about half of their 2007 value.’ Bullet point why you think this is the case.
  • I believe that the aggregate advertising expenditure and net circulation figures have decreased majorly due to the reason of technological advancements. Therefore this is killing the hard copy's of news papers, as customers think that going online and reading the news papers is easier then reading the hard copy. 

  1. On page 7, the market structure is analysed using data provided by the ABC. Who are the ABC and why is their data collection so important for newspaper owners and advertisers?
  • Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) Independent, non-profit organization comprising of, and supported by, publishers, advertisers, advertising agencies, and commercial websites, to audit and certify circulation and site-traffic claims of its members.

  1. On pages  17-18, paragraph 2.14 the overview identifies the circulation figures of Sunday newspapers. Thinking about your set products and audience consumption, why do you think Sunday newspapers have traditionally sold more copies that their daily counterparts?
  • I believe that Sunday news papers sell more due to the fact that Sunday is a rest day and people are supposed to be at home and resting so buying news papers and staying in is rather common so Sunday news papers appeal to people more.

  1. What are the leading broadsheet, tabloid and mid-market tabloids in terms of circulation? What are their daily circulation figures?
  • The leading broadsheet is Daily telegraph (1101), the leading tabloid is the sun (3417) and the leading mid market is The daily mail (2974).

  1. Think about The Guardian and the Daily Mail - describe their position in the marketplace.
  • The daily mail is shown to be the second most popular paper. Where as, the Guardian is shown to be towards the lower ends of popularity. The daily mail is a  mid market therefore is has broadsheet and tabloid aspects therefore is will have a vast audience from both community's.
  1. The Guardian is ‘owned by the Scott Trust, a private company whose core purpose is ‘to ensure the financial and editorial independence of The Guardian.’ How can this be linked with the news values of the newspaper?
  • The Guardian Media group is owned by the Scott Trust, a private company whose core purpose is to ensure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian, the papers values are to be honest, fair and bring integrity to the reader. This is therefore done by the independence of most news stories and ideas attracting a varied audience. This is shown through the investment of over £1 billion, then with most profits they reinvest into journalism to deliver the best quality news to the audience.

  1. In terms of digital distribution, what do you think has been more important to the brand identity of national newspapers, the online website or App mobile platforms? Why/How?
  • I think the ease of the download of the paper is the most impotent because if while downloading the paper the consumer has trouble then they probably will find a new paper to read. 
  1.  A lack of ‘trust’ in newspapers is identified. Why do you think this is? 
  • This is because of the news papers lying and twisting up words of people they interviews to make the story's more attractive to the reader and the news papers. This is a big problem because people don't know who to trust in the news.
  1. Who is the offline and online regulator of the newspaper industry and how effective do you think they are in ‘policing’ the industry?
  •  The Independent Press Standards Organisations are the regulators for most of the Uk's newspapers and magazines. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and maintain freedom of expression for the press. They make sure that member newspapers and magazines follow the editors code.
  1. Look at the following timeline. What’s happened to advertising revenues, why are they important? What other ways have the newspapers industries found to survive?

  • The advertising on print has grown over the last 7 years this is due to print dying so they need to advertise more to make up for all of the papers there not selling. News papers have also adapted to technological advancements this is good because they can advertise online and make more money.

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