Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Comparing 2 Drastically Different Adverts

This Girl Can

 Are You Beach Body Ready

The two adverts are drastically different due to one advert lifting up and helping women and one making women feel bad about themselves. This Girl Can is an advert where it presents women as strong, able people and they can do anything if they put there mind to it, nothing can stop them. Whereas the other advert shows that women are not "perfect" until they reach a certain body weight/ figure.
By advertising the weight loss produce like they have, it makes women feel uncomfortable in there own skin and makes them want to change the way they look, this is a marketing technique that was around years ago. People have changed and this way of selling products is not acceptable anymore thus why the ad was banned. The large print of a woman with a hourglass figure is the main staple of the advert, its the thing that people see as soon as they look at it causing jealousy and a thrive to be the woman in the ad. The bold large print of the rhetorical question "ARE YOU BEACH BODY READY?" Is a awful way of making a woman question themselves and rethink if they are the "correct" body weight/figure. They also used a bright yellow theme to the ad which furthermore draws the eye to its message. Presenting weight-loss products in this way is unacceptable in our generation.
The This Girl Can ad is the opposite of the the Beach Body ad, as in the ad promotes women to love themselves and be happy with who they are. This has the strong message of be yourself and commit to whatever your ambitions are, they think you can be the best if you put your mind to it. By using the editing they have cut the clips rather short with lots of different women which creates the effect of lots of women united as one. making vulnerable women feel like there not alone. They also have many different women playing different sports which is a stereotypical change, due to the stereotype of men play sports. This makes the viewer feel powerful. The director also make the actors laugh and smile which makes them look like there enjoying themselves and there having a good time, in turn this makes the viewers mind change, if the women didn't sport or physical activity before watching the ad, it shows it to be fun and created the urge to try it out.
Overall one advert shows that women can do/be anything they put there mind to whereas the other ad applies pressure on women to look a certain way

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