Thursday, September 13, 2018

Representing A Genre With A Picture

Its set in a science lab because it has equipment like test tubes and chemicals that immediately give off a sci-fi theme. There is elements of curiosity and surprise within the image due to the unidentified test tube liquid starting to react, this also shows surprise due to his facial  expressions indicating something has not went the way he thought it would. There is a main prop in the picture which is the test tube, this is used because it shows an experiment of some sort, also indicating a sci-fi theme. The lab coat is also used to show that he is a scientist to furthermore represent the sci-fi genre. The story is told through the props because it shows that there is an experiment gone wrong. The story is also told through his facial expressions because he looks worried/scared or surprised because of whats happening with the test tube. The main character looks like a male who seems to be a scientist of some sort. The editor has dulled the colors of the image and then put bright/vibrant colors around the test tube to make it stand out and make it eye catching.
This image is set on a field which indicates romance because dates and things of that nature take place on them. There is intense love shown in this picture due to the way the man is staring at the inanimate object, this also shows comedy because the man is in love with the thing he is holding. The main prop is the inanimate object, which shows a funny aspect to the picture. The story is told through the body language the way the man is holding the object up, which is a reference to popular movie "Dirty Dancing", but doing this with an object not a person shows that this movie/series will be a Rom-Com. The editor has blurred around the man and his lover because it makes it focuses on the lovers and draws the attention away from the background, this is done to show that the man is only focused on the paper man he is in love with. 

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