Thursday, April 25, 2019

Stop Where You Are Music Video

April 2016 was when it was made.

Diffrent classes where used for example the homeless person and the business man giving him a drink.
Diffrent ages are there like the teenager at the beginning and the adult with tattoos and also the elderly homeless man
Both genders are represented in this music video.
At the start there is an Asian teenager, there are also white males and Bailey herself is a black woman.

This long, static two shot of the man giving the homeless person a drink is used to show that even though the 2 people in the picture are completely diffrent classes they can be nice to each-other. It is a lower angle to show that you shouldn't look down on people who are diffrent. This man is subverting the conventions of society due to the fact of the business man acknowledges the homeless which isn't a stereotypical thing from people of that class would do.

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