Monday, March 18, 2019

BIG Issue Notes

Key terms:

Circulation-number of sales
Readership-not just who buys the magazine but the total number of people likely to read it.
Mass audience- Readership on a very large scale.
Niche audience-Narrow group of readers with a particular interest. 
Subscription- where a person buys a set number of copies and receives them by post.
Intertextuality-blending two text together. 
Masthead-title of magazine.
Plug-text that plugs inside story's.
Puff-The main story on the front cover.
Cover Star-star thats featured on the cover.
Anchorage text-text that anchors the main image and gives it meaning.
Banner-text that runs across the lower section of the cover.
Skyline- that runs across the upper section of the cover.

Hybrid Genre- Entertainment and social business.

"its a hand up not a hand out'

Advertising brings in 70 percent of income.

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