Monday, September 10, 2018

Daily Mail And The Guardian Newspaper Analysis

The Daily Mail use a bold, large text to implant this into the audience's head because its the largest and darkest thing in on the page. By using the the big exclamation point, it draws the audience to the headline, an explanation point is only used when the writer wants to make something stand out or and it shows a level of passion to the sentence. By using a big picture in the bottom right, it makes the page look less bland and it makes the article more enjoyable to read. By using the different colors the front page looks more vibrant and provides a less bland reading experience. This is done purposefully by the writer /editor to make the Daily Mail stand out from other newspapers whom just use black and white print. There is a little article to the left of the big picture, this is done on purpose to make the reader have their eyes drawn to the picture firstly and then the eyes drift to the small article next to it. The picture is two friendly looking women eating ice-cream, by using the the popular food that is enjoyed by many, it appeals to more people and makes a bigger audience interested in the news paper.

The Guardian sacrifices the bold big headline for more little articles around the front cover which would be preferred by some and not by others. The newspaper does this to make them totally different to the other newspaper. This is because people who don't like the lay out of newspaper they brought and they want more information and less prettiness they would pick the guardian over other newspapers. The shocking title which speaks about terror attack draws in the reader because its an intense and touchy and intense thing to talk about, so putting it on the front page so blunt like it is presented, shocks the reader and forces them to want to read more. 

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