Thursday, February 7, 2019

BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show Questions


1.They play small bands and groups on their channel to promote the smaller groups, this promotes the smaller groups and gives them a chance to gain some fans.
2.2/6 songs where small indie British songs.
3.pop-4 indie-2
4.NFL players.
5.there was news that was relevant to the uk.
6.There was a Butlins read coat quiz that a holiday was on offer, the participant had to be a red coat from Butlins, and Greg spoke to them through the phone. The red coat didn’t win.
7.The broadcast wasn’t so much informing then educating and entertaining, it was educating because it spoke about how the people could win things and it was entertaiing because it played pop music which was well known and quizzes which was interactive with the audience, also it was entertaining because Greg spoke about funny things that have happened to him.
8.Radio one differs from other shows in the morning because the host (Greg) speaks about personal events that entertain and also plays games with the audience. Other shows only play music. Another aspect of radio one breakfast show is there are no adds where as other shows they do have adds. Radio one gets its money from the pubic so they need to repay us and one way they do this is by providing a radio service with no adds.
9. I think the audience for my section is aimed towards young adults to adults, I get this from the way that Greg talks, he uses big words that younger people may not un derdtand and he also talks about things kids wouldn’t be interested in.
10.the show is distributed on tv, radio and online through wither laptops or phones or other smart devices.

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PSB Song of the week means they don't play the same songs over and over again. Famous people that the BBC made famous, Adele, Sam Smit...