Wednesday, December 18, 2019

half way

Statement of intent

I will be creating a music video in various places with the one cut repeating throughout the music video to London with me lip-syncing in front of places in London (the main one being the Kensington light tunnel). This jump cut fits into the pop theme because it is bright colours and me dancing in front of it fits well. In these shots as I said I’ll be lip synching but also dancing in a fun and upbeat way to attract the target audience. There will also be people walking behind me in the jump cuts to London which I will tell whomever is filming to tell them not to look at the camera to make it look more professional. This will also attract the 13-26-year audience because they would like the dancing and lip synching in front of a light up wall because it looks professional and fun. There will also be a story line to fill in the gaps when I’m not lip synching in London of me (Niko) trying to get a boy to fancy me through various ways and then at the end him actually falling in love with me. This shows an LGBT aspect of the music video which will ensure people of that community would enjoy the music video. LGBT is a big thing recently so I would like to include it in the music video to normalise it and make people aware of it. These shots will be recorded at places like the beach, bookstores, cafes and party’s all to fit in with the age range of 13-26. In some shots I’ll be wearing a prop of the iconic John Lennon glasses (the circular ones) to include some intertextuality with the shot where I’ll be in a record store and ill pull out one of his albums with his face on it. This would link the video to the famous British artist creating intertextuality. This would represent British culture along with the LGBT aspect of the video, which would also have representations of the community. These representations will attract the audience because the famous artist is a British icon and the audience will know that and like the fact that he is included in the video. The LGBT aspect will attract the target audience of 13-26 because there are more and more young adults coming out as part of the community as things become more “normal” and these people will like the fact the video is normalizing it more. I will be editing the video with implements of things like lens flares because these are the stereotypical love story edits that people see in other medias like movies, this would attract the target audience because they would have seen this before and been used to it. The message of the overall video would be don’t give up on what you are trying to achieve because when Niko was trying to get the man’s attention the man wasn’t interested but he didn’t give up and in the end it all worked out and was a happy ending.

My website will be big and bold including very colourful images and texts to attract the target audience but also to for fill the needs of the genre of the type of music Niko makes (pop). It will include big and bold text and images that have live shots that are taken in motion to give the feeling of dancing. These bright colours will keep the readers on the page because bright colours are fun for the eye and people looking at the website will like the fun and vibrant look. The colours are all to make the website look fun and poppy, because pop is normally high energy and bright colours. The website will include tours, music, home and about pages to make the target audience fully aware of Niko and get to know him better with links to his social media accounts on every one of these pages. This will allow the viewer to click the links and go to Nikos pages and follow them. Social media page attracts the younger audiences because they use social media the most out of all age ranges. Social media will also allow the fans of Niko to go over and comment their thoughts on his music and then Niko could comment back and interact with his audience. This interactivity would attract the younger audience because it makes them feel special talking to a celebrity.

Niko will have merchandise on his websites to sell and will have his face and or logo on, which can be brought by fans. This merchandise will be brightly coloured to match Nikos style and will be sold for a cheap price to match the target audience because they are normally not the most financially successful. Synergy is important for media industry’s because it allows for more people to find out about the certain artist or brand by other people promoting it, i.e. by wearing their merchandise. My website will be unique because it goes into depth about Nikos background and why he started music in the first place, this is not seen over the music industry because most artist don’t like showing weaknesses. The website wont necessarily connects to the music video because it’s not Nikos only song and it doesn’t represent Niko as a whole, so the website will have the hit single on the front cover, but the website wont only be about the single. The social media will also promote things like Nikos new songs and merchandise by doing things like putting up story’s on Instagram when a new song is about to be realised or taking photos in the merchandise. This attracts the target audience because the majority of the people who see the posts will be 13-26 year olds because they are the age group that are most active on social media.

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