Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Other Presentations On Major Newspaper Events Notes

People from the Caribbean who came over to look for work after world war 2 got access to the uk but the government kept their papers, Tereasa May shredded their papers and then they got threatened with deportation and the papers where saying this was a breach of human rights.

Charlie Guard:
11 month year old boy was in critical condition and hospitalised and America offered to help and fund the surgeries. The British hospitals opposed this because they thought it would be a waste of money and time because they thought the boy was going to die on the plane ride there. The hospitals won the debate in court and the boy died in hospital.

David Cameron Referendum:
He called for a referendum for the uk to leave or stay in the eu, and the public voted 52% wanted to leave. David wanted to stay in the eu so he was angry and left the position of prime minister and left all of the hard work to Theresa May.

Grenfell tower:
1 am a fire broke out in a tower block in London this happened due to not the correct amount of safety precautions taken when making the towers. This made news papers blame the construction of the tower and made everyone nervous about other flat blocks, the papers where saying there needs to be more precautions otherwise it will happen again. 72 people died.

Daily Mail;
Loyal supporters, lots of features, loving towards them.
Left wing, disinterested in the royals, "2 people will marry' makes Harry and Megan sound like normal people 

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